Meet Miss October Diamond, our February Pinup of the Month, hailing from beautiful New Zealand. October Diamond is passionate about sharing the Pinup love, empowering people and developing confidence. She is unapologetically herself and has fully embraced her Pinup style. Hi there Miss October Diamond!
How did you choose your Pinup name? I’ve always had a fascination with diamonds, I have them tattooed on my chest and I once worked at a jewellers. The phrase that “pressure creates Diamonds” both metaphorically and scientifically really speaks to me on so many levels. So having the word Diamond was a given, and then my birthday falls in October. Then Miss October Diamond was created.
Why do you love pinup?
I love that I can really be myself. Pin up has no real rules, it’s a real life style. I love the girls I’ve met with in our community, such kind an beautiful woman who build each other up. I find dressing in Pin Up is an excellent way to really show your personality and flair. I have become so much more confident in the last few years, even to the point where I have done a full photoshoot in a 1 piece bathing suit! I have never felt more sexy and empower than I did that day, and I want everyone to feel that way.
Would you like to share your favourite beauty tip?
No matter what, wash your make up off every night, and use sunblock when you’re out and about! Also if you are like me and have curly, out of control hair invest in some cleansing shampoo. I don’t know what kind of sorcery it is, but gone are the days of my out of control hair after hair wash day!
What’s your favourite aspect of the Pinup and Rockabilly subculture?
I love the music, I love a good walking bass line and the guitar riffs that make you tap your toes. I grew up in a hot rod obsessed family, so car shows play a big part of my life. I love cruising around, 7 babes deep on a bench seat, swooning over all the hard work on display. I love the smell of the hot dog carts mixing with the smell of over fuelling hot rods as it wafts in the wind, the thrill of a good day of op shopping and finding the vintage mecca haul, and the taste of a cool, well-earned beer with my girls at any event in the summer time.
I love the hype and the packing for a weekend away at an event, I'm well known for taking my luggage everywhere, and now I have this super cute vintage suitcase which doesn't leave my sight.
When did you know that pinup was the right thing for you?
I’ve been dressing in Rockabilly for about 10 years now, and Pin up for maybe 5 years. I knew because of my chunky thighs and fuller figure that the clothing from Mainstream stores wouldn’t work with my body shape. I was fed up with always looking frumpy. I started wearing tight jeans an leopard print more and more and I guess as I felt more comfortable this progressed into dresses and eventually Full Blown Pin up! Now I’m at the point where I look at my wardrobe, and I can’t see anything relatively “Normal” looking, and I still have nothing to wear!
What advice would you like to give to new pinups?
Unapologetically be yourself. If you find stockings hard to wear, or you don’t like floral, don’t wear it because you feel you have to. If your more a rockabilly girl, than a vintage queen than wear it proud! There are no rules, and everyone starts off wearing a red pokadot dress. You will grow, you will find yourself and where you fit. Be kind, and be humble, you will meet people and make friends that you will keep for life.
What living person, other than family members, do you most admire? Locally in New Zealand I have always Admired Miss Honey Lamo’ur. I’ve known her for about 12 years, since we were both punk rock kids living in Auckland and struggling to find our place in the world. She has been active within the Pin up Community in New Zealand from Day dot. I remember seeing her first collection launched at beach hop which seems like forever ago, and knew right there an then this was my style. She has grown so much from taking out the title of Miss Pin Up New Zealand, rocking the stage in swim wear an a pregnant belly, and building a clothing empire. All while being a solo mother, and working a 9-5 job. I got to be a part of her wedding on the weekend, and I realised how much she has influenced my style and how much of a big part of my life she has been.
Favourite business shout out?
First and foremost, thank you to my girl Sian from Cobalt Heights. We’ve been friends since we were awkward 8 year olds, and she has always had my back and supported me through all my ventures. The 10pm before a photoshoot phone call because I only have 1x orange bangle, or the 4am message because I want a yellow Petticoat. I love everything you do for my, and no amount of shout outs can show the gratitude you are owed. Secondly, thank you to The Beauty School Drop Outs! The only humans I trust with my hair, and they always do a spectacular job. From hair and makeup, to guidance on my photoshoots, I have formed excellent friendships with you both over the years and I am so lucky to have your support and love!
Lastly, thank you to Tony Mckay for the jaw dropping images. You blow me away! Working with you is always such a breeze, and you make me feel so comfortable and confident. I can really see my growth in these images and you’ve really knocked this out of the park!!
Images by Tony McKay Studios
HMU by The Beauty School Drop Outs
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